Objective Processes can extrovert the person's attention and greatly ease any discomfort. Past incidents drop out of the present and no longer impinge on the person.
Drugs do something else too: They stick a persons attention at points in his past. Mental image pictures restimulated from the reactive mind appear in the visions of hallucinations a person sees while on certain drugs. Attention often becomes stuck in these pictures after the drug has worn off, with the cumulative effect of the person not feeling with it or cognizant of his present-time environment.
This can be dangerous to the person himself and to others, as seen in the number of drug-related automobile accidents that occur, to say nothing of less serious accidents or goofs that happen because a person is unaware of what is going on around him. Drug use makes a person less alert mentally, can harm memory and has a host of other effects on attitudes and behavior all residual consequences of the drugs, which persist indefinitely unless audited.
The reason drugs are so harmful spiritually is that they can badly scramble the energy contained in the mind, disorienting and confusing the person. His awareness often diminishes and his capabilities of dealing with the energies and masses of reality are dramatically lessened. A person affected by drugs is thus less able to control the things in his environment and, despite whatever subjective feelings he may have to the contrary, he becomes less powerful and less able.
While on drugs, the pictures in ones reactive mind can violently turn on, overwhelming the being and making him afraid to confront anything in the reactive mind thereafter. As a result, the person is stopped dead from any mental or spiritual gain.
L. Ron Hubbards breakthroughs in drug rehabilitation technology and his full drug handling program directly address each of the above-mentioned phenomena.
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