To assist those undergoing withdrawal symptoms, he developed a Therapeutic Training Routine (TR) Course. It consists of drills, called TRs, whose purpose is to increase and improve an individuals ability to confront (to face without flinching or avoiding) and be there in the present. If a person is experiencing withdrawal, this course is done concurrently with the Purification Rundown step to lessen the discomfort.
To further raise the ability to confront ones present-time environment, a persons next step is the TRs and Objectives Course. Here one participates in Objective Processing (auditing techniques which direct a persons attention to the real, observable, outward objects he encounters), which effectively unfix him from the significances of the mind that have him stuck in his past.
This is a very important factor in mental and spiritual ability. The more a person can exist in the present without his attention stuck in past incidents, the better able he is to deal with his life. He feels brighter, has increased perception, is better able to deal with his environment, and also becomes more able to deal with others.

Scientology Online Courses