The attention of a person withdrawing from drug use can be very stuck on the body, and past incidents can be reactivated heavily.
Reorienting to the Present-Time Environment
A person who has been on drugs often becomes disassociated from the world around him or even his physical self, as evidenced by the neglect many drug takers show for their hygiene, dress, health, job, friends and family.
The reason is that, among other things, drugs dull a persons communication. This is most directly observed in the action of painkillers which shut off the persons feeling of pain, but it occurs with the use of other drugs as well. Emotions are suppressed with drug use, and perceptions become altered or shut off.
A person often becomes less aware of things and people around him and so becomes less considerate and responsible, less active, less capable and less bright. He factually becomes less conscious of what is happening in the present. One does not have to have been a heavy narcotics addict to experience a lessening of alertness, fogginess or other effects as a result of drug use.

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