Is Scientology active in black communities and countries?
Definitely. By the Creed of the Church, All men of whatever race, color or creed were created with equal rights. Thus, there are no limitations placed on who may participate in Scientology services.
There are Scientologists of all races and colors.
For example, there are Scientology churches or Dianetics organizations in Ghana, Zaire, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia and Sierra Leone, among other countries, and black Scientologists are applying Scientology technology in their communities wherever possible.
Mr. Hubbards study technology is used in many countries to help students and teachers alike. As earlier mentioned, in South Africa, these programs helped over two million underprivileged black Africans improve their ability to study, well before their fate became a popular cause and the walls of apartheid came down.
The Church maintains a Department of Ethnic Affairs specifically to interact and work with minorities. One example of this is a literacy project in Compton, California, which with the Churchs effort, successfully turned drug abusers and gang members into responsible members of the community. The program has won endorsements from both community leaders and educators.

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