Does the Church engage in interfaith affairs?
Absolutely. The Church is a strong advocate of the interfaith approach on issues important to all religions. Scientologists work with representatives of many religions to support and encourage interreligious dialogue, religious freedom and respect for religion in society.
The Church has been involved for many years in actions to protect religious liberty and is active in the American Conference on Religious Movements (ACRM). This multidenominational association of religious organizations is dedicated to the advancement of religious liberty and dialogue.
Scientologists worked with leaders of other religions to petition the US Congress to enact a Religious Freedom Week. The result was just such a designation in 1988. It has now become an annual national tradition.
The Church mustered interfaith support for a bill which severely limits punitive damages claims against religions. Many religious groups, including the National Council of Churches, joined the Church of Scientology in support of California Senate Bill No. 1, which was signed into law by the governor in September 1988.

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