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Scientologists have also investigated and challenged racially motivated police brutality on the streets of Los Angeles. The Church helped initiate reforms of the Los Angeles Police Department in the 1970s and 1980s, and today, through its efforts and those of other public-spirited groups and individuals, the department has been hailed for its progress.

In Washington, DC, Scientologists established an award-winning program which has assisted hundreds of African-American inner-city children to raise their scholastic competence and self-esteem. Many Scientologists volunteer their time every weekend to help these underprivileged children and, as a result, have received community awards for their hard work, dedication and results, including a proclamation by the City Council of Washington, DC, which declared October 21 “Church of Scientology Community Betterment Day.”

Scientologists have also worked for years to better conditions, restore civil rights, and provide skills and hope to indigenous citizens of Canada, New Zealand, Australia and South Africa.

To increase understanding and tolerance between diverse groups, to ensure justice for all regardless of color or creed – these are not merely words to the Scientologist, but deeply felt convictions, seen as a true cornerstone for survival.


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