Inside the most notorious state prison in Ensenada, Mexico, an IAS-sponsored drug and criminal rehabilitation program, based on L. Ron Hubbards technology, has resulted in dramatic changes among the most hard-core of inmates. As a result, the program has come to the attention of government officials interested in establishing the program broadly in other penal institutions.
Association support has helped forward the eradication of psychiatric abuses through grants to the Citizens Commission on Human Rights. A series of IAS-funded publications exposing psychiatric abuses such as electroshock treatment, psychiatric drugging of the population and subversion of education and morality were distributed internationally. And with the help of the IAS, CCHR filed an official complaint with the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission, established to promote national unity and reconciliation following the collapse of the apartheid government, detailing how psychiatric abuses had helped foment racism in that nation.
The crusade to bring religious liberty to people of all faiths in Europe has included the distribution of special editions of FREEDOM magazine for Austria, Italy, France, the United Kingdom, Denmark, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and Greece. These publications present the truth about Scientology and expose those who are attempting to hinder implementation of real solutions to social problems.
Special publications have been produced which educate the public on how to protect their right to religious freedom and to suggest what protective actions to take should that right be abridged.