The IAS also helped forward campaigns to protect and expand the Scientology religion. IAS funded projects to educate the public about discrimination against Scientologists and members of other religions through publications and ad campaigns in major international newspapers, including the New York Times and the International Herald Tribune. When Scientologists from around the world gathered in Frankfurt, Germany, in a massive rally for religious freedom, the Association provided support. Similarly, the IAS has supported religious freedom efforts in France and Spain.
The Association has also provided support for a massive campaign to make Scientology well known throughout Europe. Forwarding the message, Think for Yourself, the campaign has been carried on billboards, fliers and newspaper ads throughout the European continent.
Through activities such as these, the International Association of Scientologists has become a force for positive change in the world today. The IAS works ceaselessly to forward the aims of Scientology and welcomes the membership of all who would aid in bringing hope to mankind.
