One of RTCs most crucial functions is its custodianship of the advanced religious scriptures of Scientology, called the advanced technology. The bulk of Scientology scriptures are broadly available to anyone seeking spiritual enlightenment. However, the advanced technology, which represents a very small portion of the scriptures, is maintained as strictly confidential. Before a parishioner is allowed to use these materials, he or she must meet the highest ethical standards and have completed earlier levels of spiritual release (see Chapter 13), which form the foundation for more advanced religious services. An individual who has not completed the prior levels of spiritual attainment will be unable to receive the full spiritual benefits of the more advanced technology.
Scientology churches that minister the advanced technology are monitored by RTC to ensure the materials of each level are kept secure, that each churchs license requirements are strictly observed and that advanced services are ministered exactly as written by Mr. Hubbard.
