Initially, Mr. Hubbard personally oversaw the orthodox practice of Scientology. As an integral part of that endeavor he also registered as legally protectable trademarks many of the religions identifying words and symbols, such as Dianetics and Scientology. These registered marks provided a legal mechanism for ensuring that the Scientology religious technologies are standardly ministered in exact accordance with the scriptures and not altered by misappropriation or improper use. They also provided a legal mechanism to prevent anyone from offering some altered or inauthentic version of Dianetics and Scientology and representing it as the real technology.
In 1982, Mr. Hubbard donated these religious marks to the newly formed Religious Technology Center and entrusted that church with the responsibility of protecting the religion of Scientology by enforcing the pure and ethical use and standard application of his technologies. RTC thus maintains the purity of the technology and guards against any misuse or misrepresentation by legally registering, and where necessary enforcing, certain words and symbols of the Scientology religion as trademarks and service marks in countries the world over.
It is RTC that grants Church of Scientology International (CSI), the mother church of the Scientology religion, the right to use the trademarks and to license their use to all other Scientology churches. Without CSIs written authority and RTCs ultimate approval, no entity can legally use the marks or call itself a Church of Scientology. With all Scientology churches bound to minister Dianetics and Scientology technologies in full compliance with their trademark licenses, the entire hierarchy up to the Church of Scientology International is self-correcting and ensures pure and orthodox Scientology.
In contrast, RTC investigates any departures from that standard administration and ensures that orthodoxy is restored. It also ensures that no individual or group misrepresents itself and offers an altered technology while calling it Dianetics or Scientology.
