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The Dianetic Axioms


Axiom 74

Optimum randomity is necessary to learning.

Axiom 75

The important factors in any area of randomity are effort and counter-effort. (Note: As distinguished from near perceptions of effort.)

Axiom 76

Randomity amongst organisms is vital to continuous survival of all organisms.

Axiom 77

THETA affects the organism, other organisms and the physical universe by translating THETA FACSIMILES into physical efforts or randomity of efforts.

DEFINITION: The degree of randomity is measured by the randomness of effort vectors within the organism, amongst organisms, amongst races or species of organisms or between organisms and the physical universe.

Axiom 78

Randomity becomes intense in indirect ratio to the time in which it takes place, modified by the total effort in the area.

Axiom 79

Initial randomity can be reinforced by randomities of greater or lesser magnitude.

Axiom 80

Areas of randomity exist in chains of similarity plotted against time. This can be true of words and actions contained in randomities. Each may have its own chain plotted against time.


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