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Scientologists further identify another common unifying factor that runs throughout their view of the cosmos. This factor is that the primary goal of all life forms – from the thetan to the Supreme Being – is the urge towards infinite survival. Scientologists call this urge the “dynamic principle of existence.”

This dynamic principle of existence is itself divided into eight distinct parts, which are called the eight dynamics. The specific dynamics include survival of self as the first dynamic, of the family as the second, of or as one’s groups as the third, through man as a species as the fourth, for all life forms as the fifth, of the physical universe as the sixth, as a spiritual being as the seventh and the Supreme Being or infinity as the eighth.

While the eighth dynamic may be identified as the Supreme Being, as infinity or even as the God dynamic, it actually is the allness of all. Yet Scientology differs from religions of the West as to how it presents the Supreme Being to its members.

Many religions are quick to characterize their Supreme Being (whether called Yahweh, God or Allah) in such terms as omnipotent, omniscient, beneficent, judgmental, or demanding, and in most instances even describe it in anthropomorphic terms.


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