Ive heard that Scientologists are doing good things for society. What are some specific examples?
These activities would fill a book in themselves, and are covered in more detail in Part Seven, but here are just a few examples that are typical of the things that Scientologists are doing around the world.
Scientologists regularly hold blood drives to get donations of blood for hospitals, the Red Cross and other similar organizations. As Scientologists do not use harmful drugs, these donations of drug-free blood are welcomed by those in charge of healthcare. Scientologists also regularly hold drives for donations of toys, food and clothing to make life happier for those in need.
During the annual holiday season, Scientologists are particularly active in this sphere. In downtown Hollywood, California, and Clearwater, Florida, for example, Scientologists build a Winter Wonderland scene each Christmas, complete with a large Christmas tree, Santa Claus and even snow, creating a traditional Christmas setting for children who otherwise might never see one.

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