What training should a person take first?
The first action a person should take in his Scientology training is to read a book, such as Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health or Scientology: The Fundamentals of Thought in order to learn the basic principles of Scientology. These books can be studied at home through what is called an Extension Course, where lessons are completed and mailed in to the church. A staff member informs the student by return mail of any parts of the book he may have misunderstood.
One can also obtain the video How to Use Dianetics, which gives the basics of Dianetics auditing in visual form, enabling one to start auditing at home immediately. This video is a companion to the book Dianetics and gives the basics of Book One auditing in visual form so one can start auditing immediately. It places within ones reach the miracle results of Dianetics and gets one moving forward on the way to Clear.
The individual should next visit a church and meet with staff there for assistance and guidance in deciding which service he should participate in next, based on his own personal spiritual needs. There are many services available including the Personal Efficiency Course which teaches how to improve any condition in life through the fundamentals of Scientology, including the conditions of existence, the eight dynamics and the ARC triangle, as well as Scientology auditing which individuals learn and then apply.
There are also Life Improvement Courses on such subjects as marriage, children, work, relationships with others and personal integrity. As one progresses spiritually as a result of studying these Scientology materials, he becomes more effective and in control of his own life. There is also the Hubbard Dianetics Seminar which utilizes Dianetics auditing techniques based on Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, providing as much Dianetics auditing to a person as he wants and giving him the experience of applying Dianetics to another. There is also the Success Through Communication Course which teaches the basic communication skills one needs to improve his life.

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