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What is study technology?

Study technology is the term given to the methods L. Ron Hubbard developed to enable individuals to study effectively. Learning the methods to grasp the materials of the Scientology scriptures is the first step in an individual’s spiritual journey and renders the student better able to use and apply what he or she has learned. The “study tech,” as it is sometimes referred to colloquially, can be applied by anyone to the study of any subject and in addition to its use in churches of Scientology is broadly used in the secular world as well.

L. Ron Hubbard recognized the failings of modern education and training in 1950, many years before educational horror stories began to make headlines. He observed that students were simply unable to learn with comprehension. Sometimes they could repeat, parrot-fashion, what they had been taught, but were unable to apply the subject supposedly “learned” with any facility or understanding.

Mr. Hubbard then researched the subject and isolated the actual barriers to effective learning. He found that the problem was not overwork, crammed study schedules or incompetent teachers. Rather, he discovered that the main impediment to students’ ability to retain and effectively use data was the absence of a technology of how to study.

Study technology is not a gimmicky “quick-study method,” but an exact technology that anyone can use to learn a subject or to acquire a new skill.


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