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L. Ron Hubbard


Although these views greatly vary, all have common denominators. Among them are: Scientology is a practical religion; it has improved the spiritual lives of millions; it is a growing authority in the humanities; and, it is a vital source of wisdom about the spiritual nature of man.

The future, L. Ron Hubbard said some thirty years ago, would tell more than he ever could about the value of his work.

Thus far it has told an extraordinary story – a story of millions who have found a way to better themselves and their fellows through the use of this technology, of new rights for the mentally ill, of new lives for drug abusers and of new hope for the illiterate.

But what does the future hold from this point forward? Many of those who have attempted to halt Scientology in the past are still with us, and it is not unreasonable to assume that there may be future battles to fight. But in the final analysis, authority belongs to those who can DO the task in any given field. Authority sustained by pompousness, the laws passed and “we who know” cannot endure.

Scientology has the answers. Authority belongs to those who can do the job. And Scientology will inherit tomorrow as surely as the sun will rise.


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