The breakthroughs of the Golden Age of Tech formed nothing less than a complete revolution in the application of Scientology technology. The immediate result was Scientology Academies filled with students around the world. In June 1996, a new series of training drills for the Advanced Courses were released.
As training at both ends of the Bridge became faster and more flawless than ever, new materials continued to be released in all major languages. In September, L. Ron Hubbards lectures for all Scientology courses up to Level 0 were released in Spanish, German, French and Italian; by December all of his lectures to Level IV were completed. At the same time, The Problems of Work was released in Norwegian, Portuguese, Danish and Hebrew, and Scientology: The Fundamentals of Thought was published in Portuguese and Hebrew.
As the worldwide implementation of these new training programs gained even greater impetus, further expansion and even broader acceptance of L. Ron Hubbard and his works appeared in 1997.
In Los Angeles in early April 1997, in recognition of Mr. Hubbards humanitarian contributions, the street where the Church of Scientology of Los Angeles, American Saint Hill Organization and the Advanced Organization of Los Angeles are located was renamed L. Ron Hubbard Way. Following several months of reconstruction to make it one of the most beautiful city streets in the world, L. Ron Hubbard Way was opened with a daylong celebration attended by state and city officials, local dignitaries and more than 7,000 Scientologists from around the world. Both the Governor of California and the Mayor of Los Angeles sent personal representatives to deliver messages of support and congratulations. The speakers praised L. Ron Hubbard for his humanitarian works and his contributions toward helping to eradicate illiteracy, drug abuse and criminality not only in Los Angeles but in many other cities around the world.

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