The Philadelphia Doctorate Course
After delivering a series of lectures to the newly formed Hubbard Association of Scientologists in London and completing his landmark work, Scientology 8-8008, Mr. Hubbard returned to the United States for a celebrated series of December 1952 lectures in Philadelphia. Known as the Philadelphia Doctorate Course, these lectures described the full range of mans spiritual potential as well as a wide analysis of human behavior. As recordings of these lectures began to circulate throughout the Scientology field, and a third printing of his book Scientology 8-8008 rolled off the press, the ranks of Scientology kept increasing on both sides of the Atlantic.
By early 1953, Mr. Hubbard resumed his instruction of auditors at the Hubbard Association of Scientologists International center in Marlborough Place, London. The organization now boasted many more auditors in training and a burgeoning field of preclears. Concurrently, American Scientologists opened new centers in Houston, Texas, and in Hollywood and El Cerrito, California. To apprise them of the latest technical breakthroughs, the Hubbard Communications Office in London opened and the first Professional Auditors Bulletins were published.

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