his chapter presents facts and figures about Scientology which detail its rapid dissemination and growth around the world. These include results of an extensive demographic survey of Scientologists from every continent which provide a picture of who they are, what they are like, their attitudes, lifestyles and more.
Scientologists represent a tremendously varied cross section of society and include Kenyan farmers, Norwegian fishermen, Brazilian soccer players, Japanese businessmen, Italian educators and on and on. To typify a Scientologist, one must disregard age, race, occupation, nationality or political allegiance, for Scientologists cover the entire spectrum.
Scientologists are healthy (over half do not miss a single day of work in any given year), active (a majority are involved in some form of church, human rights, environmental or charitable activity) and successful in their work (3/4 in the US earn more than the national average wage). Scientologists are also drug-free (none at all use illegal street drugs).
Such figures run counter to many current trends in society and underscore the fact that Scientology helps people lead better lives. More people are discovering and embracing the Scientology religion every day. Its expansion increases because it continues to offer meaningful solutions to universal problems.

More statistical facts about Scientology