The powerful social betterment technologies developed by L. Ron Hubbard have given humanity the tools to reverse the deteriorating condition of our society, a fact first recognized by those who themselves experienced his life-saving methods. These individuals have since played a leading role in bringing improvement to societys most troubled areas. Inspired by Mr. Hubbards words, We have the answers to human suffering, and they are available to everyone, teachers in the US and England found that their students who used his study technology realized exceptional gains in reading, learning and understanding. Likewise, there was the individual in prison who found that after reading one of Mr. Hubbards books, he had in his hands tools that enabled him to overcome drug addiction. Others utilized methods that allowed criminals to truly rehabilitate themselves. So it spread. And small miracles began to happen.
These miracles were recognized and application of Mr. Hubbards social betterment methods quickly expanded into areas across the globe where they were desperately needed. Yet despite the spectacular demand and support for these methods in recent decades, societys decline has rapidly accelerated, fueled by provenly unworkable and even harmful psychiatric-based attempts at education and rehabilitation.
It became clear that only through broad and standard application of Mr. Hubbards study technology, his drug and criminal reform methods and his common-sense moral code could continued beneficial results be assured, both for individuals served by these breakthroughs and for society as a whole. Thus the need was recognized for an organization to provide these technologies in a form that would always be available for use by secular groups wishing to improve conditions in society and one which would champion their accomplishments in reforming the abuses so rampant today.
That organization is the Association for Better Living and Education (ABLE), an international nonprofit public benefit corporation dedicated to social betterment. Formed in 1988, ABLE is empowered to authorize qualified social betterment groups to use L. Ron Hubbards technologies in purely secular charitable and educational activities. ABLE also is charged with the important responsibility of ensuring that this technology is made known and available to anyone who needs it and that the organizations authorized to utilize the technology under the social betterment trademarks are doing so correctly.

Solutions for a Troubled World