Criminons Handling Suppression Course. As recidivism is often due to the return of an inmate to his previous environment, this invaluable course helps him learn the social and antisocial characteristics of his friends and associates. The person is thus less susceptible to bad influences.
Criminons Personal Integrity Course. This study of the eight dynamics, ethics and integrity, helps the inmate take responsibility for, and rid himself of, his past misdeeds. And as with the Narconon program, other courses address subjects such as how to change conditions in life, how to contribute effectively and other basics vital to successful living.
All in all, the Criminon program totally replaces the unworkable rehabilitation methods that only exacerbate crime. It directly and effectively rehabilitates individuals so that criminal behavior becomes a thing of the past and remains that way. Because of its workability, word of Criminon is spreading rapidly from prison to prison. And of the thousands of prisoners released every day, more and more will be truly rehabilitated. In time, the revolving door will be closed.
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