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Such success naturally raises basic questions: What makes Criminon different? What does it do? Perhaps the best place to start is with what Criminon does not do:

Criminon does not drug inmates. It does not use punitive restraints. It does not use aimless conversation for lack of a better tool. It is not psychiatry or psychology.

From psychiatry’s ineptitude within the penal system – in spite of the immense funding and power bestowed upon it – the uncharitable conclusion could be drawn that rehabilitation is not necessarily what it intends to accomplish. However, the more obvious and arguable point is that it is unable to rehabilitate criminals because it has no knowledge of what makes a criminal. Unproven theories are easy to come by, and psychiatry/psychology has no lack of them. Criminality is blamed on everything from poor environmental conditions, inherited drives, biological imbalances in the brain, to “sluggish nervous systems.”

Criminon’s success, on the other hand, directly stems from workable rehabilitation methods. Mr. Hubbard extensively researched criminality until he found the actual source of what makes a criminal, and from this point of truth, he was able to develop effective solutions.


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