WISE helps its members maintain high ethical standards by sponsoring local Charter Committees, composed of the most ethical WISE members, known as Charter members. These committees help create a more ethical business environment by applying Mr. Hubbards ethics technology.
Charter Committees are responsible for assisting WISE members in their communities to resolve business disputes that may have arisen between them and other WISE members, or even businesses that are not members of WISE. By applying Mr. Hubbards ethics technology to mediate and resolve these disputes, Charter Committees rapidly and fairly dispose of conflicts that otherwise would languish for years at great cost in the normal legal system. And unlike the parties in a normal legal proceeding, both sides in a Charter Committee dispute-resolution proceeding are satisfied with the outcome of their case.
As one WISE member reported: The thought of a mediation used to cause me to sweat cold bullets . . . Then I got a dispute handling from WISE. The results were amazing. And yes, I felt much better afterwards. But the real bonus was the end result fairness. Both parties had to confront their own responsibility in the matter and the ethics of the situation was taken into account, not just the technicalities of some obscure law.
More information on WISE