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Church revelations have exposed the participation of government officials from various nations in drug smuggling, collusion between the US Food and Drug Administration and pharmaceutical companies, and other abuses.

More recently, Freedom investigated and exposed the real cause behind Gulf War illness, a malady which has afflicted veterans of Operation Desert Storm with a variety of long-lasting ailments ranging from constant searing headaches to fatigue, rashes, and joint and muscle pains. In the face of continued government insistence that Gulf War illness is only a “psychological problem,” Freedom revealed that these maladies resulted from exposure to deadly chemical and biological warfare agents used during the Persian Gulf conflict. The US Defense Department finally admitted that some veterans had come into contact with such agents and a subsequent Presidential Commission found that the government had consistently misrepresented the facts.

Governments are entrusted to protect their peoples. When this trust is betrayed, the Church of Scientology feels it should be made known so that steps can be taken to prevent future abuses.


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