In the words of L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology exists to further and better the government of people and believes in the principles of democracy, the Magna Carta, the Constitution of the United States and also the Bill of Rights.
To promote and advance the cause of civil rights, the Church of Scientology in 1974 created the National Commission on Law Enforcement and Social Justice (NCLE), a nonprofit and tax-exempt organization. Although its original mandate was to focus on issues in the United States, it has since taken on international responsibilities as a civil rights watchdog.
The problem of false reports in government agency files has, for many years, been of primary concern to NCLE. It found that the basic rights and freedoms of citizens in any country could be seriously jeopardized by uncorrected information in government files. And the potential for harm and abuse was compounded by the fact that agencies from many nations shared data bases.
Documents obtained by NCLE proved conclusively that false reports were being fed from law enforcement groups to government agencies in countries around the world. Numerous cases were documented by NCLE of individuals who had been jailed, harassed and even physically abused by police officials because of these reports in countries such as Germany, France and the United States. In some cases, corrupt officials were paid for personal information about private individuals.

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