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cientologists who care enough to investigate, to overcome the resistance of powerful vested interests, and even to place themselves at risk, have achieved remarkable results. Laws have been passed, lives saved, victims rescued, restitution paid, criminals arrested and life-threatening activities halted. In a word, they have resulted in justice, a sometimes rare commodity in today’s world.

Scientologists have, in a very real sense, drawn the line. They have raised their voices in the collective cry: “Enough!” Enough butchery of innocents, enough enslavement of the weak, enough intolerance, enough abuse of power by those who hold it. Such statements may sound dramatic — but only to those too timid to see, those who huddle in the security of their homes and jobs, or those who, when they witness evil on the evening news or upon the streets of their cities say, “This has nothing to do with me.”

That the presence of evil is as real as the shadows that dog our footsteps will be shown in this chapter. It is man’s burden and will continue to be so for as long as it has nothing to do with us. No matter how technologically advanced our age, no matter how “enlightened” the opinions on talk shows or the advice so liberally handed out in magazines, it is not enough. As repugnant as the thought may be, there are those among us on a mission of destruction, and it will take more than talk to abort such missions.


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