For the last hundred years or so religion has been beset with a relentless attack. You have been told its the opiate of the masses, that its unscientific, that it is primitive; in short, that it is a delusion.
But beneath all these attacks on organized religion there was a more fundamental target: the spirituality of man, your own basic spiritual nature, self-respect and peace of mind. This black propaganda may have been so successful that maybe you no longer believe you have a spiritual nature but I assure you you do.
In fact, you dont have a soul, you are your own soul. In other words, you are not this book, your social security card, your body or your mind. You are you. This will become more apparent, if it isnt already clear, as you read on.
Convince a man that he is an animal, that his own dignity and self-respect are delusions, that there is no beyond to aspire to, no higher potential self to achieve, and you have a slave. Let a man know he is himself, a spiritual being, that he is capable of the power of choice and has the right to aspire to greater wisdom and you have started him up a higher road.

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