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The technology used by Volunteer Ministers is found in a 950-page encyclopedic work, The Scientology Handbook, the companion volume to What Is Scientology? The Handbook sets out fundamental and practical Scientology techniques that anyone can learn to use to help others resolve difficulties and improve their lives.

The Handbook is so practical that anyone can pick it up, read it and apply its techniques to improve conditions in any aspect of life and on any scale. It is divided into chapters, each addressing a topic and providing solutions one can use to help others.

Each chapter of The Scientology Handbook teaches a body of basic Scientology technology about the subject addressed. And with each lesson learned, the Volunteer Minister becomes more able to deal with any situation he sees in life. After studying the appropriate chapters, the reader may find himself assisting one child with a difficulty at school or, as some Volunteer Ministers have done, assisting an entire nation to improve its education system, or he may volunteer to help resolve a neighbor’s marital upset, or help bring an end to gang violence or ethnic conflict in his city, state or country.


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