Of prime importance are the technical staff, those who supervise Dianetics and Scientology training and the auditors who minister spiritual counseling. Being an auditor is one of the most rewarding activities any staff member indeed any Scientologist can do. Only an auditor can assist a person up the path to Clear and ultimately to true spiritual freedom.
The staffs of churches and missions succeed because they are trained. Every function in a church or mission has a corresponding course of study which can be taken by any new staff member who assumes those duties. Staff engage in 2 1/2 hours of study or auditing each day. When they know how to do their jobs, they proceed on to other training, perhaps as an auditor, or use this time to move up the Bridge as a preclear.
Those staff who have dedicated themselves to five years of service may be sent for full-time training at a higher organization either technical training at Saint Hill or the Flag Service Organization, or administrative training at the International Training Organization in Los Angeles, California, at the headquarters of the Church of Scientology International. This training can last up to a year, but in any event results in a highly trained church administrator, auditor or case supervisor.
