Ron Hubbard characterized churches of Scientology as islands of sanity in a difficult world, each established to succor man from the gathering darkness and decay of this earths civilization. Others talk about a better world, he wrote. We are making one.
It is the dedicated objective of every Scientology church to begin making that better world by bettering each individual parishioner, bringing him to higher states of spiritual awareness and enabling him to create positive change in every activity of life he engages in. But no organization could possibly carry out such a mission without people, and thus it is the staff of missions and churches who form the backbone of the Scientology religion.
Holding a job in the workaday world is, for most people, a burdensome necessity. Few who work for a living are fortunate enough to be doing something they can enjoy, much less something they feel strongly enough about to dedicate their lives to the endeavor. In contrast, staff members of Scientology organizations recognize the importance of helping others achieve peace, sanity and true spiritual freedom. As L. Ron Hubbard described it, A post in a Scientology organization isnt a job. Its a trust and a crusade.