The Freewinds is a very special place. It is the one place on this planet that a Scientologist can go and be certain that he will be able to devote all of his attention to his religious practice and, at the same time, share the company of people who share his religious commitment and outlook on life in general. A voyage on the Freewinds is nowhere close to a vacation. Rather, it is the perfect religious retreat dedicated to enabling one to devote his full attention to spiritual growth.
One parishioner said, Not only was I in a part of the world I had never seen, I was also there to embark on a spiritual journey of immense importance. The religious service I did there could only be accomplished at sea literally off the crossroads of the world, where I and other Scientologists in a completely distraction-free environment could find out about ourselves and realms of spirituality that were quite beyond anything I had ever dreamed of.
Ive come to realize that my visit to the Freewinds was the launching point for my spiritual reawakening, wrote another parishioner after his first visit to the FSSO. Ive found where I was destined to be and know with certainty the group to which I truly belong.
Religious services ministered aboard the Freewinds are not limited to Scientologists who have reached OT VIII.
