Hubbard® Professional TR Course
On the Hubbard Professional TR (Training Routine) Course, you gain professional communication skills which, when applied in an auditing environment, help people rid themselves of their aberrations forever, and help them regain their native spiritual abilities. In auditing, communication is more fundamental than the technique or process used. It is because of the critical importance of communication in auditing that the Hubbard Professional TR Course is an ironclad prerequisite to every Scientologists auditor training.
Prior to L. Ron Hubbards researches into the subject of communication, no one had isolated the exact working components of communication, nor its relationship to ones efforts to help his fellow man. Yet, as you soon discover on the Hubbard Professional TR Course, all human endeavor particularly auditing depends utterly on a full knowledge and understanding of the real basics of communication. Only the auditor who knows and uses the Scientology discoveries in the field of communication can hope to succeed.
This service teaches the theory of these discoveries, first by dissecting communication into each of its components, then by thoroughly and clearly showing the use of these basic elements in ones life. Technical Training Films written, directed and narrated by L. Ron Hubbard bring about an even more profound understanding.
Further, as part of this service, you participate in very special auditing processes that provide firsthand insight into these basic laws of Scientology and life-changing results.

Scientology Online Courses