Expanded Grade II
Man has never known, except in some of the rare miracle workers he regarded as saints, how to bring relief to various sufferings.
The secret was that through misdeeds, harmful acts against ones fellows and other transgressions, one is connecting oneself to what he abhors.
When a person unthinkingly transgresses against the mores to which he has agreed or, with good cause knowingly offends them, his misery begins. Having transgressed, the person now feels he must hold back his deed from others, and he begins to withdraw or feel different from the person or group he has harmed. This is the mechanism by which people create misery, bitterness and hatred around themselves. This is the source of the guilty conscience, feelings of vengeance and, actually, all the sufferings and hostilities of life.
To be able to easily bring relief to oneself and others from the hostilities and sufferings of life is a skill man has seen only in healers.
Relief is obtained at Expanded Grade II.

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