esearch has demonstrated that the single most destructive element present in our current culture is drugs.
The use of street drugs LSD, heroin, cocaine, angel dust, marijuana and others has proliferated at all levels of society. College students atrophy their brains on marijuana; schoolchildren are shoved daily into pill popping by both peer and pharmaceutical pressures; and the seemingly everyday Smith down the street and Jones at the job harbor a habit they neither suspect nor deal with.
Widespread consumption of illegal drugs many of which were originally prescription remedies has created a $500-billion-a-year industry. By some estimates, marijuana is now the biggest cash crop in America. Cocaine and its derivatives, highly fashionable in the 1970s, are now widely abused, due in large part to claims by psychiatrists as recently as 1980 that cocaine usage was not addictive. They could not have been more deceptive.
In researching the barriers to spiritual gain caused by drugs, L. Ron Hubbard uncovered the existence of a drug personality, an artificial personality created by drugs.
Drugs can apparently change the attitude of a person from his original personality to one secretly harboring hostilities and hatreds he does not permit to show on the surface, wrote Mr. Hubbard. While this may not hold true in all cases, it does establish a link between drugs and increasing difficulties with crime, production and the modern breakdown of social and industrial culture.

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