A person can make rapid improvement in a specific area of his life with a Life Improvement Course. These provide Scientology fundamentals directly related to the area for which a person wants immediate help.
In every sense of the word, then, these are practical courses. Each is illustrated to facilitate understanding, with an emphasis on practical application. One learns the theory of basic Scientology principles relating to each area, then applies these in course room exercises until they can be applied
in life.
For example, in the Life Improvement Course which deals with improving relationships, one discovers ways, based on Scientology fundamentals, to improve relationships with others. He learns the true basis of interpersonal relations, the affinity, reality and communication (ARC) triangle, and then practices the precise steps set forth in the course for improving or repairing any relationship. He learns principles of communication and their application. He learns the Third Party Law, L. Ron Hubbards discovery concerning the underlying cause of any conflict, and how to employ this discovery to resolve strife. Given these and other tools, he can change and improve his life. He learns things he can actually do, not only for his own benefit, but also for the benefit of others.
Life Improvement Courses are unique to Scientology. Unlike other religions, Scientology offers a practical technology about man that can be applied to actually improve conditions in life. As one applies this technology to day-to-day concerns to better himself and others, he finds he is now more able to continue his journey to higher levels of spiritual awareness and ability.
Life Improvement Courses:
Overcoming Ups and Downs in Life Course
Personal Values and Integrity Course
How to Improve Conditions in Life Course
How to Improve Relationships with Others Course
Starting a Successful Marriage Course
How to Maintain a Successful Marriage Course
How to Improve Your Marriage Course
How to Be a Successful Parent Course
How to Make Work Easier Course
Introduction to Scientology Ethics Course
The Way to Happiness Course

Scientology Online Courses