To make the information found in Mr. Hubbards books available for study at home, churches of Scientology provide extension courses on many Dianetics and Scientology books. Each extension course covers one of Mr. Hubbards books in full and is designed to give the reader a complete understanding of the subject matter.
Lesson books are provided with the extension courses. The reader completes the corresponding lesson as he reads the book and then mails it to his local Scientology church or mission. There, a church staff member reviews the lesson, sends a reply and helps with any difficulties. Extension courses help to deepen ones understanding of Dianetics and Scientology books and are an excellent way to acquire such knowledge.
Extension courses on basic Dianetics and Scientology books described in this chapter include:
Hubbard Dianetics Extension Course
Dianetics: The Dynamics of Life Extension Course
Dianetics: The Evolution of a Science Extension Course
Hubbard Self Analysis Extension Course
Scientology: The Fundamentals of Thought Extension Course
Scientology: A New Slant on Life Extension Course
The Problems of Work Extension Course
These and other books and lectures by L. Ron Hubbard are available in bookstores and libraries, and through Scientology churches, missions and groups. They also may be ordered electronically from the Scientology Internet site at http://www. scientology.org, the Bridge Publications site at http://www.bridgepub.com or the New Era Publications site at www.newera publications.com.

Scientology Online Courses