he core of every great religion in history has been a group of individuals dedicated to achieving the goals of the religion. In Scientology, these individuals are part of a religious order known as the Sea Organization, or Sea Org. While relatively few in number, its members play a crucial role in virtually every aspect of the ministry and expansion of Scientology. And, like their counterparts in other faiths, Sea Organization members occupy the most essential and trusted positions in the senior churches in the Scientology ecclesiastical hierarchy.
The Sea Organization derives its name from its beginnings in 1967 when Mr. Hubbard, having retired from his position as Executive Director International, set to sea with a handful of veteran Scientologists to continue his research into the upper levels of spiritual awareness and ability.
The first Sea Org members, who were all Clears and OTs, formulated a one-billion-year pledge to symbolize their commitment to the religion as immortal spiritual beings. It is signed by all members today. They dedicate themselves to the goal of bringing spiritual freedom to all beings through the full application of Mr. Hubbards technologies. The Sea Organization was born of a concern for the welfare of mankind and it is with this viewpoint that members of the Sea Org continue to operate.